Within the context of defamatory activity, a cease and desist letter/Internet removal letter (“Cease and Desist Letter”) is a letter sent by an attorney which demands that the person committing the defamatory acts stop doing so and, in the case of online postings, it demands that such postings be removed. Within the context of the Internet, when appropriate, a similar letter can be sent to the website hosting the defamatory posting and/or the search engines which are listing such content.
What Are Some Situations Where a Cease and Desist Letter May Be Appropriate?A Cease and Desist Letter may be appropriate in a number of situations including, by mere example, the following:
One of the advantages of a Cease and Desist Letter is that it is a very cost-effective way of potentially resolving the issue. As such, it is often (but not always) recommended that one retain an attorney to prepare a Cease and Desist Letter prior to resorting to litigation, which is a much more expensive and time-consuming process. If the Cease and Desist Letter is successful, then bringing a court action may not be necessary
Is it Always Appropriate to Send a Cease and Desist Letter?No not always. In some instances, for example, if may be advisable to proceed immediately to starting an action in court. When you contact our office, we can advise whether it or not the sending of a Cease and Desist Letter would be beneficial to you given your situation.
What Do I Do if I Want to Inquire About Retaining The Law Offices of Daniel A. Singer PLLC to Prepare and Send a Cease and Desist Letter on My Behalf?Absolutely not. Each letter is crafted to your individual situation so as to maximize its potential of being effective.
Who Will Prepare Cease and Desist Letter?All work will be done by the attorney, Dan Singer.
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